The Complete Plays of William Shakespeare

Try the following queries:

Find documents containing Juliet.

#1(romeo and juliet).title
Find documents containing the phrase
'Romeo and Juliet' as a title.

#1(what light through yonder window breaks)
Find documents containing the phrase
'what light through yonder window breaks'.

#combine[speech]( #uw( #5(struts frets) #1(out out) stage ) )
Find spoken lines containing the phrases 'out out', 'stage',
and the words 'struts' and 'frets' within 5 words of each other.

#combine[speech]( juliet.speaker romeo )
Find lines that are either spoken by Juliet or that mention Romeo;
lines that meet both criteria should be ranked highest.

Query language documentation

All document tags can be used in queries;
Look at the plays by clicking the Cached links in the
results page in order to understand what tags are available.